News & Press: Resources

Clerkship Directors: Take the Annual Survey

Thursday, August 15, 2024  
The APGO Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UMEC) is conducting its annual survey of ob-gyn clerkship directors. If you haven’t yet completed the survey, please do so! Self-identified clerkship directors with active APGO memberships each received a direct link to the survey. If you are a clerkship director and did not receive the email, pleaseemail us.

The subject of this year’s survey is requirements and restrictions for student work hours and overnight call. With many institutions imposing restrictions on overnight call requirements, we are interested to learn your opinion on the subject and how generational differences may impact these views.

The results from the survey are used to communicate this important work to others, to shape the curriculum for APGO’s Susan M. Cox, MD, Clerkship Directors’ School, and to inform the development of APGO resources by UMEC, APGO staff, and other committees.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.